
While editing content on our platform, some of our customers may encounter an error that displays as a white screen with the message "403: Request blocked by WAF". This error indicates that our Web Application Firewall (WAF) has identified the content of your page or attached files as potentially malicious or suspicious and has consequently blocked your request.

Understanding the Error

A 403 error triggered by WAF is a protective measure, safeguarding against potential security threats. WAF is designed to scan and analyse incoming traffic to detect and block harmful requests, ensuring the security and integrity of our platform and your data.

Common Triggers

- Suspicious scripts or sequence of special characters in web pages.

- File attachments that contain potentially harmful content.

- Unusual traffic patterns or behaviours that resemble known attack methods.

Steps to Resolve the Error

Due to the nature of this error, a self-help solution is not available. However, we take these incidents seriously and prioritise their resolution. If you encounter this error, please follow the steps below to report it to our Service Desk:

Submitting a Support Request

1. Time of the Incident:

   Note the exact time or the time range when the error occurred. This helps in pinpointing the logs corresponding to your session.

2. URL of the Affected Page(s):

   Provide the URL(s) of the page(s) where the error was encountered. If multiple pages are affected, list each URL.

3. Domain Information:

   If the domain is not evident from the provided URLs, please specify the domain you were accessing.

4. Your IP Address:

   Your IP address is crucial for tracking the specific request that was blocked. You can find your IP address by visiting public websites like [What Is My IP Address](https://www.myipaddress.com/).

After Submitting the Request

Our engineers will promptly review the submitted information. They will analyse the cause of the block and work diligently to resolve the issue. The resolution may involve:

- Adjusting WAF settings to accommodate legitimate requests.

- Guiding you through modifying content or files to comply with security protocols.

- Investigating any underlying issues that might be causing the false positives.

Preventative Measures

To minimise the occurrence of such errors, we recommend the following best practices:

- Regularly scan your files for malware before uploading.

- Avoid using unverified scripts or code.

- Educate your team about safe content practices.

Contacting Support

For immediate assistance or if you have any questions, please contact our Service Desk. Our team is available 24/7 to provide support and guidance.