We would like to advise you that the end-of-life (EOL) date for PHP 8.0 is approaching and is scheduled for November 26, 2023. As part of our commitment to providing you with the best possible service, we will ensure all customers are switched to PHP 8.0 (or newer) at least two weeks before the EOL date.

PHP Upgrade Process

We highly recommend that you plan to upgrade to a newer version of PHP well before the EOL (at least six months or more) date to ensure the continued security and functionality of your web application. To assist you with this process, we have prepared a step-by-step guide to upgrade your version of PHP, which includes the following steps:

Check compatibility

Before upgrading to a newer version of PHP, it is important to check that your application is compatible with the new version. You can check the compatibility of your application with different PHP versions by consulting the documentation of your web application and testing your application in a development environment.

Choose a newer PHP version

Once you have confirmed the compatibility of your application, you can choose a newer version of PHP to upgrade to. The latest stable version of PHP at the time of writing is PHP 8.1, which will be supported until November 2024. Alternatively, you can consider PHP 8.2, which was released in November 2022 and will be supported until November 2025. For compatibility reasons, we recommend using the lowest PHP version available so that the CMS core and contributed community-supported modules, libraries and plugins are ready to support it at the time of the change.

Plan the upgrade

Plan the upgrade carefully, taking into account any potential downtime and the necessary steps to perform the upgrade. If you are running your web application on a hosting platform, you may need to consult their documentation and support resources for guidance on upgrading to a new version of PHP.

Backup your data

Before upgrading to a new version of PHP, it is important to backup your application and data to ensure that you can easily revert to the previous version in case of any issues.

Perform the upgrade

Once you have prepared your application and backup, you can perform the upgrade to the new version of PHP. You can refer to the documentation of your web server or hosting platform for instructions on how to upgrade to a new version of PHP.

Test your application

After upgrading to a new version of PHP, it is important to test your application thoroughly to ensure that everything is working as expected. You can use a testing environment to test your application and identify any issues that may arise.

Why keeping PHP up-to-date is critical

Please note that PHP versions that reach EOL are no longer receiving security updates and may be vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you upgrade to a supported version of PHP as soon as possible.

How we can help

We understand that upgrading your version of PHP can be a daunting task, and that's why we're here to help. As a trusted provider of web development and technical support services, our team at SalsaDigital is well-equipped to assist you with the required PHP upgrade.

If you would like assistance with upgrading your PHP version or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We strongly encourage you to reach out to us in advance to ensure a smooth and successful upgrade.

You can easily access our support portal by clicking on this link https://salsadigital.freshdesk.com/, and our dedicated technical support team will be more than happy to assist you with your needs.