What is Quant

Quant ( is a static-web CDN designed to provide you with the benefits of the static web without the complexity of rearchitecting your solution. Quant provides integrations for popular CMS and static generators to ensure your content and development workflows continue without interruption. 

When would you need to trigger a re-seed?

If you have made sweeping, site-wide change then a re-seed may be required. This could be in the following situations:

  1. Global look and feel changes (e.g Theme)
  2. Global IA change (e.g links in navigation)
  3. Changes to global website elements, such as the Header or the Footer, change to the Logo image etc.

How to re-seed all content?

The instructions to re-seed all content to Quant will be different based on the CMS.


  1. Login to WordPress via the edit domain and go to the Dashboard
  2. Click the Batches link in the administration menu
  3. In the Batches page, click the "Process all" button
  4. Click the Restart button, this action will reset the Processed items count
  5. Confirm that the Processed items count shows "0 (0%)", then click the Start button
  6. The process of re-seeding for all items should begin. Leave the browser window open until the process completes. Re-seed may take some time to complete, but you can switch to other tasks, while re-seed is running.
  7. If the re-seed process stops for any reason, you can resume it by clicking the Start button on the "All items" page (see the screenshot above). If you moved away from the "All items" page, you can return to that page by following steps 2 and 3 and press the Start button to resume process.
    Note! Clicking the Restart button will reset the processed items queue and begin the re-seed from beginning.
  8. After the re-seed process completes, verify your change applied via the public domain.


Instructions TBC